Thursday, July 1, 2010


So in 1 day, I will be let free from my school and be on holiday.
So to celebrate my friends and I went to CAPS and one of them won a huge toy! So lucky, my other friend and I went to MACCAs and missed all the fun. So if you don't already know this term has 11 weeks. Which sucks because it's winter now and it is really cold. Since it is usually 10 weeks I think my mind has gone a little "coo-coo" as I am already in total holiday mode.
These holidays I will be attempting so many cute things it's not going to be funny.
They are:
- Miniture Polymer Clay Foods/ Cute Stuff
- Felt Food Things
- I'm going to try and learn how to crochet because then I can learn the art of...
I only just found out about Amigurumi (seriously, about 5 minutes ago) and it is really cute. I good website to visit to see what it actually is, is Amigurumi Kingdom or Roxycraft Amigurumi. Amigurumi basically is japanese for (I think) "knitting and stuffing to make a toy" something around the lines of that. It's really cute and I think going to be pretty hard.
The other thing I found out about a few days ago is, MINITURE POLYMER CLAY FOODS! So basically I was in MG and I wanted to buy a miniture noodle soup for my mum (which I did) and I decided to look it up in Youtube and see how to do it, it came up with Polymer Clay which is a clay that you can bake in your home oven and not a kiln so it's way easier. There are a lot of good tutorials but some of the really cute ones are by GARDENOFIMAGINATION, GENTLEMAN BUNNY, THEPOLYMERCLAYBAKERY and KRIQUIT.
They all have really cute tutorials and I WANT MY CLAY

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