Monday, August 16, 2010


Ever since I was a really little teeny tiny tot, I've always seen people on TV using the camera which prints out straight after you take a picture. You know? The one where theres a thick white outline around the photo. I've always wanted one...
They seem so old-fashioned yet so beautiful. I've been wanting to know what they're called for ages now and I've found it finally while watching BUBZBEAUTY (check her out on youtube, lots of people are pretending to be her right now and trolling so don't believe them, she's the nicest gal on the world).
They are called
I finally know the name, now to go out and buy one.
Sadness, but a whole lot cheaper than my crappy digital camera.
I don't care how long it takes me I'm going to get one! One day.....
Do you share the same love?

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