Tuesday, November 30, 2010

my wishlist

- Heston’s feasts from SBS
- The long fringes from Bindi Booth
- Season 3 of F.R.I.E.N.D.S
- Sportsgirl friendship bracelet kit
- Lanterns from Typo
- Piyo plushies (not the fruit ones)
- Glee volume 4 CD
- Pretty little liars book set
- Bow ring from Dotti
- Rihanna CD



It's been quite a while...
Although no one actually reads this but still...
Well, I can finally be bothered because...
I'm probably going to get straight A's
So I wanted to keep up a "at least one post a month thing" which is partially working...
Summer holidays coming up
Still have yet to watch Harry Potter
A LOT of christmas shopping has to be done along with christmas making?
But yeah, schools been really fun
No real homework and if there is homework it doesn't count towards report mark so teachers don't care
Dance ended :(
I will not get into senior dance I'm too fail at it
I want more friendship bracelets
My posts are like me writing one line on a topic, how fail...
Oh I have a rant...
Asian parents and hair cuts.
My mum does NOT like long hair, I on the other hand would take long hair over short hair anyday. Anyway my hair was up to my waist which is when my mum starts complaining about how long it is. I am scared of hairdressers. I live in fear that they will screw up my hair and I will have to live with it for a few months before it grows out of its retarded form. That happened in year 3 I think and I'm pretty much scarred for life. Long story short, I got a crappy hair cut so my mum takes me to another hairdresser who screws it up more and then a third hairdresser to fix everything. My hair was so short afterwards. Anyway, the only way my mum can get me to cut my hair is if she randomly springs it on me.
Like today, she picks me up because it's raining and then we come back from grocery shopping. My mum spots a hairdresser and says "Hey look a hairdresser salon, go cut your hair!", after a short argument in which she obviously wins I am forced in and have to act polite. I like these hairdressers though, did a decent job so I'm slightly happy BUT STILL!
I do not like hairdressers.
I realised typing up "screw" is really fun because "r" "e" and "w" are next to each other.
thats was so much fun...
I will leave now

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Notebook Doodles :D

So the holidays have been:
-tv filled
-computer filled
-filled with trying to find blogs
-failed attempts at taking good photos of my self
-low self esteem
-failed outings with friends
Yeah, basically sums all of our holidays up apart from the photos and self esteem bit.
Anyway, I decided that I should follow blogs. I wonder now how it hadn't occurred to me before...
I did and before I knew it

She is what I want to be, her handwriting, her scrapbooking skills and especially her ability to use up a notebook. Oh, and did you know she makes up the most truthful quotes.
She is my handwriting/ scrapbooking idol person thingy...
Please visit her site, its absolutely beautiful oh and one of the greatest things ever is that she has posted like 400 times which means I CAN READ FOR A SOLID DAY OR TWO :D
By the way Hamish and Andy <3
And afterwards the Delhi Commonwealth Games
Happy days, happy days!

Friday, September 17, 2010


So I was reading Kertiii's blog which is (http://kertiii.blogspot.com/) if I already haven't given it to you.
I was so inspired by all the pictures and the illustrations and guess what, she had the exact same idea as me to put my illustrations onto tote bags!
Great minds think alike!
So my goal for this blog is:
-Actual pictures
-Blog more
-Show illustrations
This is all while I have to finish my 5 other assignments and study for the yearlies.
YAY! (Inser sarcasm here)
But that is the goal and I'll try and reach it.

Monday, September 13, 2010


So bindi...
I HATE BINDI IRWIN, her voice just annoys me...
The reason I'm here is because of another bindi...
She is a beautiful illustrator just like Kat Mcleoud and her pictures are just gorgeous!
Anyway here's the site
Yea lastly
droool even moree....
Byee now!

Its been a while

It's been some time since I blogged but OBVIOUSLY I have a reason...
The reason is the norm...
This is why I feel about homework:
kjasdhaskjhakjhasjkfhasfnasmcnakjdhKJHAKJDHASKFJHAJnkjsanjkfashfjkasnckjhfiuawyrakhjaskjfaffasakfjasfhkasjfhakjsfhkasjfhaksjfhajkhfkajsfhajsnckajsch >:(
I hate it and we get tons :(
Anyway, in between times of procrastination I found a gazillion more awesome sites (well not a gazillion but you know what I mean)
Now check em out! These are the fashion sites by the way
- Gary Pepper Vintage, she is so cool and fashionable of course! She lives in Aus as well so YAY for Aussie talent! (http://www.garypeppervintage.com/)
- K is for Kani, she also lives in Aus (CHYEAHH) I really like her photos for some reason all of them are really pretty (http://kisforkani.blogspot.com/)
- Style Rookie, now you may have already heard of her but thats cause she is absolutely brilliant. Some describe her has the next influnence on fashion AND SHES ONLY IN HER TEENS! Gosh! Wish I was her (http://www.thestylerookie.com/)
- Wishwishwish, one of the blogs I really enjoy to read and look at (http://wishwishwish.net/)
- Eat Your Tea Cup, I discovered this about 5 minutes earlier? Yea I think she'll be a winner (http://eatyourteacup.blogspot.com/)


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


So while STILl procrastinating I found this awesome, super duper, cute and kawaii website. So if you are one of those people who absolutely love cute stuff like me >.<
Before I forget, here is the link ( http://www.allthingskawaii.net/blog/ )
Argh, how it can be so cute I don't know.
So yea
In the heat of the cute moment I decided I would tell you non-exsistant people.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Great amounts of big assignments have been thrust upon me.
One of which was art.
Art was one of my elective choices.
Of which I did not choose.
I am happy now.
Because I was regretting not choosing it.
But not I am happy because Art is a...
So annoying this art project, its not the funs ones. It's the ones where you have to think of what the artist was aiming for and what symbolizes this and how did this idea come. Like any one of us care?
So obviously the assignment is hard making me not want to do it so thats why I'm procrastinating my ass off.
So yea recommendation time:
- House of Night Novels by P.C. and Kristen Cast, good plot and I'm sucked into it. I've always liked vampire stories :)
- Bubzbeauty comedy channel, its funny
and yea, you think with all this procrastinating that I would have found some like ultra interesting sites, But NO.
So yea...
I am so boreddd

Monday, August 16, 2010


Ever since I was a really little teeny tiny tot, I've always seen people on TV using the camera which prints out straight after you take a picture. You know? The one where theres a thick white outline around the photo. I've always wanted one...
They seem so old-fashioned yet so beautiful. I've been wanting to know what they're called for ages now and I've found it finally while watching BUBZBEAUTY (check her out on youtube, lots of people are pretending to be her right now and trolling so don't believe them, she's the nicest gal on the world).
They are called
I finally know the name, now to go out and buy one.
Sadness, but a whole lot cheaper than my crappy digital camera.
I don't care how long it takes me I'm going to get one! One day.....
Do you share the same love?

Friday, August 6, 2010


So what can be worth waking up 5.30am in the morning for?
I must have said that about 100 times, so our school volunteered our whole year for jeans for genes day which starts at 7.00am at Martin Place.
YAY! not
So early man and I never knew how many people totally reject you. Oh well, there was actually a lot of sales so it was all good in the end.
We got for free
- Jeans for Genes day bag
- Jeans for Genes day cap
- Jeans for Genes day poncho
- Jeans for Genes day badge (bought myself after being rejected 100 times)
- Free chips
- Free balloons
So pretty worth it and you always feel better helping others , scientifically proven.
So volunteer yourself for charity next time, good for your health

Monday, August 2, 2010

Angry (but in the end quite content).

The best free manga reading website has SHUT DOWN! Nooooooooooooo! Why oh why?
Well, basically I'm sad because I didn't get to finish reading Gakuen Alice ( mentioned in the entry below I think) before they shut down. All the other sites are really crappy... The only way I will be able to finish it happily is like by buying it... Too expensive for my mind to process $$$ ... :( :( :(
Yea that's my mind train thought thing right now...
Sad faces are going to be in use very oftenly right now... But there is still happiness:
- Art websites and I'm going to introduce you to two very creative, very beautiful websites/ shop. One is ( http://jackywinter.com/artists/kat-macleod ), I just love the way she draws, its so (lost for words). Oh and the other one which im excited about is this jewellery shop on etsy ( http://www.etsy.com/shop/CuteAbility ) so beautiful, the jewellery inspires me and I'll probably buy some for my friends and I in the future.
- Boys finding money, picking it up, giving it to you when you didn't drop it and could have kept it themselves
- Boys in skirts (our school had a binball match, very funny as the boys emerged in the girls uniform)
- One boy wearing a skirt, looking incredibly hot even though wearing a skirt, standing next to where I was sitting and smiling at me, making me blush, making my friends tease, making me unable to look at the hot guy anymore.
- The periods afterwards
- Easyway

Well I suppose all of those make up for the sadness, feeling quite cheery now! Hehehe
Hmmmm, I'm officially making this my HOW TO BE HAPPY WHEN YOUR SAD ABOUT SOMETHING POINTLESS thing.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Lately, I've been noticing the simple things in life that make me happy, the rare beams of light waiting for me. Here are some of them:
- Seeing beautiful one line non-sketchy drawings with pale colours
- Reading good quotes
- Seeing beautiful landscapes everyday in the morning when I wake up
- Taking good photos to capture the memories
- Finding money
- Books that make me cry
- Being organized and on top of everything like I am now
- Carving out of wood
- My 9 caring friends
- My mum
These things make my life light up like a lightbulb. A reason to wake up every morning be happy and look forward to what is coming up for me.
This list of happiness might come from the fact that I am totally on top of my homework, have found a gazillion awesome art sites for me to look at and that my mum finally let me suscribe to Frankie Magazine (http://www.frankie.com.au/). If you are all art farts like me, you will absolutely love it! You can only get it via online subscription, there's free shipping (if you are in Australia) and there are a million links to the beautiful sites out there in the world. If you do the math the each magazine rounds up to about $8.95 which is what a normal magazine costs. The bad thing, it's bi-monthly meaning one mag every two months.
Oh well!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Tres chic!

Well at least more French than before. All the shops have started to go Frenchy which is tres exciting because their stuff is way too cute!
I'm also starting to go crazy because of the new store I found (which is also pretty frenchy) and the shop is...
I don't know why but I feel especially at home in that shop, maybe I'm some indie chick girl.
I really love their stuff because:
- The designs are really good
- The stuff is not THAT expensive (but still pretty expensive :(
- Innovative designs
- It's just my kind of style
The stuff is so cute!!!!! I cannot stress that point enough


So, Hi!
It is a really good manga which my friend just introduced to me and it's sort of a combination of Twilight and Naruto but cute and not at all retarded. Oh and theres actually no vampire involvement at all! You know it's good when my friends and I finished 60 chapters in 2 days. Ahhhhh, drool over fake manga guys....
Anyway, the other thing I wanted to tell you guys about is....
Now its a blog( http://www.jesslovesfred.com/ )about fashion and well other stuff but its really interesting. She also has a tumblr and a formspring.
If anyone of you read me, you should definitley read her. She's pretty famous as people from Canada and other countries read her blog.
So please check it out!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Forever Me

I think I've found new love in a new shop that has opened up in my favourite shopping centre.
It just opened and it's all shiny and clean. Everything looks pretty and all the fabric is strong and nice. I think I'm going to be going to this store a lot.
-Bows, I love bows. I am a bow fanatic and I love them. I saw a bow bag, a bow skirt and many more!
-Dresses, the dresses are gorgeous
-Because its me?


I was walking around the shopping centre and...
Granny chic EVERYWHERE!
And the best thing?
I actually like it!
I think gloves are going to come into style, I nearly brought some today but asian me said no...
Also I keep seeing just above the knee flowy skirts that are one colour and have some detail. They look really appealing to me as I love skirts.
So the colours are still pastely, nude colours. But no more military its time for the oldies to come back in!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The new girl in town.

So as many of you have heard, Madonna's daughter has started a new blog called material girl. I quite like it as the design is really nice and the pictures but then I realised.
She didn't design it, she didn't edit the pictures and she probably didn't take the pictures. She is rich so she probably hired someone to do it. In spite of all that I do like her blog, she also does subliminal marketing putting out the new trends and that you can buy them off her clothing line.
So being my competitive little self I've come back here to tell you about CELEBRITYy TRENd, STYLe TRENd and THe COLOUr.

Celebrity trend, JUMPSUIT - A one piece garment commonly worn by parachuters and skydivers. Not anymore. As many of you have seen in the common fashion magazines. Many celebs have chosen to out in a jumpsuit. Now if you haven't seen one worn by a celeb you must be horrified. The jumpsuits worn by celebs are actually quite nice and styled to actually look hot. The jumpsuit does cover some major flaws and hides some extra flab. A nice trend but a bit too much for the average shopper.

Style trend, LACE - Lace is everywhere, the key to make this one work is to not show too much and pair it up to make it work. As you know lace is SEE THROUGH and can be very showy. There are a lot of nice pieces in the shops now and I myself have a lace dress. This is a very nice style but can also be totally slutty so remember to mix n' match.

The colour, NUDES - It is quite a hard colour to pull off as it can make the person look a bit washed out. My tip brunettes and blacks haired people can USUALLY pull it off with ease, you can mix n' match if you want but it is a bit risky. Try just going with one nude colour as it looks really nice.

That is all

Friday, July 2, 2010


And that's all I have to say.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


So in 1 day, I will be let free from my school and be on holiday.
So to celebrate my friends and I went to CAPS and one of them won a huge toy! So lucky, my other friend and I went to MACCAs and missed all the fun. So if you don't already know this term has 11 weeks. Which sucks because it's winter now and it is really cold. Since it is usually 10 weeks I think my mind has gone a little "coo-coo" as I am already in total holiday mode.
These holidays I will be attempting so many cute things it's not going to be funny.
They are:
- Miniture Polymer Clay Foods/ Cute Stuff
- Felt Food Things
- I'm going to try and learn how to crochet because then I can learn the art of...
I only just found out about Amigurumi (seriously, about 5 minutes ago) and it is really cute. I good website to visit to see what it actually is, is Amigurumi Kingdom or Roxycraft Amigurumi. Amigurumi basically is japanese for (I think) "knitting and stuffing to make a toy" something around the lines of that. It's really cute and I think going to be pretty hard.
The other thing I found out about a few days ago is, MINITURE POLYMER CLAY FOODS! So basically I was in MG and I wanted to buy a miniture noodle soup for my mum (which I did) and I decided to look it up in Youtube and see how to do it, it came up with Polymer Clay which is a clay that you can bake in your home oven and not a kiln so it's way easier. There are a lot of good tutorials but some of the really cute ones are by GARDENOFIMAGINATION, GENTLEMAN BUNNY, THEPOLYMERCLAYBAKERY and KRIQUIT.
They all have really cute tutorials and I WANT MY CLAY

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Korean dramas, Chinese dramas in fact any drama you can think of which involves a girl <3 boy is probably something me or my friends are obsessing about right now.
Currently I am in the anime, Mythbusters obsession while the rest of my friends have become addicted to Korean dramas.
Half the time I don't even know whats so good about them, they are just plain addictive. They suck you into their perfect fantasy dream storyline with a little comedy for a side dish.
On the other hand my mum is currently having a "I will watch anything that people speak Mandarin in" thing. Which is not that annoying but the plotlines are so ill thought of.
If you were to rank dramas I swear that Chinese dramas would come last, I mean the only ones that they are good at are set in the old Chinese age where they wear the funny shoes or about being a double agent/spy. Those ones are pretty good but no good dramas whatsoever.
In contrast to acting is Anime.
ANIME IS AWESOME and that is a fact I want you to remember.
In anime you can make people look hot and there will be no dispute, they can act, they can fallover, they can have those funny expressions and best of all the super powers that they have actually look real unlike some other blockbusters that have hit the shelves. I love anime, I mean what is not to love everything is cute and chubby cheeks.
>.< (<-- Cuteee!)
This brings me onto the topic of my favourite animes and mangas.
Oh, by the way if you don't happen to know what manga is, it's basically a comic book except left right to left and they adapt animes from mangas.
Anyway favourite animes are:
-Naruto Shippuden
-Sakura Cardcaptor
Favourite Mangas are:
-Fall In Love Like A Comic
-Naruto (obviously)
-Sakura Cardcaptor
There are tones of others but I've fallen for those. Sakura Cardcaptor is basically like my anime idol. She was my Sailor Moon (and yes I used to watch Sailor Moon). I watched Sakura when I was a child and I loved her a lot and still do. She is cute, funny and magical powers. I used to wish I was her...
Naruto on the other hand was introduced to me by seeing it in the "Walmarts" at China. I know China does not have Walmarts but they are basically the same thing. It was pretty cheap in Chinese money so I went ahead and bought the first 100 episodes. A rash thing to do, but if I hadn't I would have regretted it a lot. As soon as I got back to Australia I started watching (my Chinese house doesn't have a DVD player) and soon I got totally sucked in. Naruto is plain cool, its one of the few that have made me cry and trust me I'm a rock when I watch movies. I've watched countless episodes (probably more than 400) and I still want more. It's just too good and I wish I had all the manga. Sadly I only have the first one... Oh well! Thirty or so to go! I think me and my friend E are going to get madly addicted once again.
I think I will end this blog and go inside to watch some DVD's.


So today was completely and utterly boring
I went to school and came back.
The only partially memorable thing is music class when me and my friend E sang in an indian accent for the whole thing.
I think the teacher noticed because she kept eyeing us...
Music is such a bad subject and so is english
I #*&%@# HATE ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!
Yes I hate it
I hate it because
- It's actually important
- I'm totally failing
- You can't drop it even though I am NOT going to be a writer/anything to do with writing
- And obviously because it's in the HSC
Well Yeah Rant Much.
This blog is so no longer about fashion...
It's more like a ranting, suggesting sites for you to look at.
On the topic of suggesting
Please check out
It's a lovely blog about a girl who bakes and writes good english
My old friend A was the one who lead me into the world of cooking and I love her extra-ly for that because cooking/ baking is too awesome for your socks.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Maymay Kay
It's an awesome little video account and the girl is an artist/painter/whatever shes good at it
and its absolutely beautiful
Most of her art I think is done on the computer on some cool website and it looks absolutely gorgeous so you guys have to check her out on youtube.
My Youtube Checklist:
-Michelle Phan
Thats MY checklist now tell me yours!


I have fallen in love with...
I've got to say, Florence + The Machines is probably the awesomest Indie band in the world
Cat Empire is pretty cool too!
I suggest both of them as Indie Bands are just cool
And I've become a Gleek
Their awesomness overruled my mind...
But anyway
Mid-term results are back and I suck soggy marshmallows

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Ok, my friend Alice is too awesome for her socks.
Basically she has introduced me to another awesome fashion/art website which is perfect for people like me and you to work our magic!
I absolutely love Polyvore!
It's too cute!
Anyway what you do on Polyvore is basically an online scrapbook!
Its really good and you know what you gotta do!
Google, click and start scrapbooking your way to heaven!


So HI!
Long time to talkies because I had my stupid Mid-terms...
But that is beside the bedside table.
The bedside table for today is some background info on me and the blog and maybe a few more things as well...
So as the title reads "My PASSIOn FOr FASHIOn" you may or may not notice the way I type. I love typing like that, it makes it fun and interesting for me and I think it looks cool.
So Fashion, I love it, I heart it, I am obsessed with it but I also want to tell you about things that are happening in my daily life as well so I have decided that my blog will be about:
FASHIOn as a main topic
RANDOm STUFf as well
A BIt ABOUt Me as some other junk to put in with.
So thats it for this post.
I hope I get some readers...
OTHER than friends.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


F*R*I*E*N*D*s - Its so funny and totally awesome. I only have season 1 though...
Tutu Skirts - You know the ones that I'm talking about and the really fluffy lacy ones as well.
Bags - I need a new one desparately and a new wallet, my wallets broken...
Belts - After seeing Mayo Wu's and my friends cute belt I decided I should get one too
Nail Polish - My friends gave me some nail polish and now I've gone absolutely berzerk with it.
Piyo - Duck plush toy from Korea, anything from Korea is cute ESPECIALLY PIYO!
Making clothes - Need more fabric...
DIY Projects - So cute after you finish although I stab myself with the needle a lot.
Hiphop Candy - Its the cutest shop in America.
Naruto - Cause he is just really awesome!
Nigella Lawson - My cooking IDOL!
Scrapbooking and all Art things - I'm and art person, everything understood.

I think thats about it, I mean that's a lot for one person to be obsessed with...

Fried Pidgeon - The most tender thing you will eat in the history of the earth, go to a Chinese restaurant and ask for it. You will thank me for it!
Jewellery - Especially ear rings because my friend finally help me pull my studs off.
You've Got The Dirtee Luv - Florence + The Machines & Dizee Rascal - The best song in the world. I love Florence, she has the most amazing voice.
LookBook - Obviously...

OK that's it
I think...


The first picture is Louise E. she is french and I tried reading her blog but obviously that didn't work...
Don't you just love what she is wearing...
The second picture is Mayo Wu. she is Chinese and I also tried reading her blog and couldn't understand anything...
Her look is really feminine and I absolutely LOVE IT!
I love everything in that picture especially the skirt and the belt
More pictures later...


So it's been a long time since we typed....
Well I was being buried with random homework from the teachers and still am
I am procrastinating but...
I have also been totally obsessed with this website I found.
I love it, its totally stylish.
Currently my favourite people are Louise E. and Mayo Wu.
Both of them are so pretty and so stylish.
I wish i had their wardrobe.
These pics are from Lookbook and I will try and figure out how to use the weird code thingy.
Right now I save it onto my computer but these pictures are not mine they are LOOkBOOK's!
If you are a Lookbook maker/person
I'm sorry but I will figure out how to use the thingo...

Monday, April 5, 2010


Hi guys!
So this is the first entry on my "fashion" blog. Let me get some stuff straight to whoever may be reading this, My STYLe NOt AGREe WITh YOUr STYLe ANd WHAt I THINk THe LATESt TRENDs ARe COULd Be TOTALLy WRONg.
This blog is just for me to express My fashion style and if it's not for you then read someone elses blog.
This might sound harsh but in my old blogs I've had some commotion.
So sit tight, don't let the bed bugs bite and the blog with look prettier and better in a few days/weeks/months.....
